Check out the videos and books below for some essential background to prepare for Debate Summer School and to use during the course

  • ART of Nalanda Debate

    This video walks you through the basic structure of Nalanda Debate with Šári Pema, who herself is trying it out for the first time.

  • Introduction to the Nalanda Tradition

    This is a series of 7 videos that introduce you to the Nalanda Tradition as more than just a style of debate, but as a wider intellectual knowledge tradition.

  • Fundamentals of Debate

    These short videos elaborate on the debate format that was presented in the ART of Nalanda Debate video.

DWS Textbook

DWS Textbook

For the DWS Textbook, click the image over here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This contains some useful reference material to help while you’re debating, as well as some more background to better understand Nalanda Debate.

After the file opens, you can download it to your computer/phone/tablet or print it out.

DWS Workbook

DWS Workbook

For the DWS Workbook, click the image over here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This contains exercises that we will do during the DWS and the debate outline which will form the basis of our debates.

After the file opens, you can download it to your computer/phone/tablet or print it out.

DWS '23 Lecture Slides

DWS '23 Lecture Slides

For the lecture slides that were shown during the DWS 2023, click the image over here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

After the page opens, you can download the files to your computer/phone/tablet or print them out.