Sample Debates
Foundations of Quantum Physics
Quantum mechanics is notoriously difficult to understand… here, two debaters - a postdoc in quantum physics and a Tibetan Buddhist monk use the special method of Nalanda Tradition Debate to bring a brand new language into play in the ongoing discussions in the foundations of quantum physics, uncovering new wisdom in the process. Topics covered include the wave function, Schrodinger's equation, the nature of fundamental particles/wave-particle duality, the measurement problem and uncertainty. Many questions are raised - you be the judge to determine if satisfactory answers are found!
Answerer: Tenzin Rabga, postdoc in Quantum Physics at the Seoul National University
Questioner: Losang Donyo, monk scholar at Sera Jey Monastic University
The Mind of Alexa
An example debate of counting the joints: comparing (a) expressive sound and (b) sound arisen from elements conjoined with consciousness.
Answerer: Dan Frey, former scholar of Sera Jey Monastic University
Questioner: Losang Donyo, monk scholar at Sera Jey Monastic University
Mind Wandering
An exploration of a hot topic in current research on cognitive function and mindfulness - mind wandering. What is a task and what is it to wander from a task?
Answerer: Marieke Van Vught, assistant professor in the cognitive modeling group at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands)
Questioner: Losang Donyo, monk scholar at Sera Jey Monastic University