Critical thinking - through dialogue - for the 21st Century

Debate Summer School

2023 Debate Summer School was held from August 11-15, 2023

The next scheduled course is the Fall Debate School from November 16 to December 16, 2023. Please sign up for our newsletter (link at the bottom of this page) to stay informed about future programs.

In an era where new knowledge is produced at unprecedented rates and at every stage of its production is challenged by misinformation, skills of critical analysis have never been more valuable. Nalanda Debate provides a formal structure for you to engage in constructive dialogues, whether in the classroom, research lab, or daily life. It brings extra clarity as you investigate the many aspects of our world. It is an AI-proof form of learning, since your debate partner is right there with you as you work through the logical consequences of an idea or claim.

about the course


Everyone wishing to learn the skill of debate is invited. College students at all levels will find it especially valuable as a tool to approach your studies in a new light. Buddhists who aim to understand their minds and the nature of reality will likewise benefit.

Attendees from previous Debate School courses are welcome to register.


In-person students will stay at the Sera Mey Guesthouse and attend classes and debate sessions at the Tashi Choling complex in Sera Jey Monastery. Online students will join via the virtual Sera Jey Monastery in the interactive space of Gather Town. Coaches will be present to guide you in debate both in person and online.


The summer school will be taught free of charge, but those attending in person are responsible for the fee of the guest house (rs500 per day for a single room/rs250 for a double).

There is a $7 USD per person fee for us to use the online platform Gather Town, and food will be provided free of charge to those attending in person; these expenses associated with the course can be offset by your generosity. You can make your donations here at the time of registering or after the course is completed.

To ensure that those registering for the in person course are committed to attending, we ask that you pay your room fee upfront as confirmation of your intention to attend.

After we receive your registration, we will email you with instructions on how to make the payment to confirm your registration and book your room.


A five-day crash course in Nalanda Debate. Each day will consist of one live lecture and two debate practice sessions. Participants will also be asked to watch pre-recorded videos with background information and to review course materials both before and during the course.

For an idea of the debate drills we’ll be using and the topics we’ll be debating about, go to the Debate Winter School page here.


To learn a new method of engaged critical analysis in order to enrich one’s investigations and enable a broader and more nuanced way of thinking about science, philosophy, and life. Ultimately, Nalanda Debate provides an educational model that is perfectly fit for the modern era, as it is AI-proof and resists appeal to authority.


Friday, Aug. 11 - Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023

Because we must accommodate several time zones, the schedule is complicated. Please find your time zone - or one close to it - in the time tables below.

The in-person schedule will differ slightly from the one shown below.

Participation will require a full commitment for all five days of the course.